Tag Archives: Marion

Artisano Oils & Spices & Midwest Coffee Roasting Company Bringing You Something Fresh

If you haven’t heard the news, there is a new shop in town, Artisano’s Oils & Spices.
Artisano’s Oils & Spices and Midwest Coffee Roasting Company announces the arrival of five freshly roasted coffees to the Indianapolis area. Artisano’s is located at: 1101-B East 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46240.

Artisano’s Oils & Spices opened the doors to the new shop on August 13 and this Sunday, September 20 is introducing four single origin coffees and one custom blend. Midwest Coffee Roasting Company roast only earth friendly, people friendly, chemical free coffees. These coffees will be roasted only days before they hit the shelf bring you the serious coffee drinker, an extremely smooth, clean cup of coffee with no bitter aftertaste. Visit this new and exclusive shop that is offering something new to the area. Ask about private tastings for oils and coffees.
You may also want to check out Artisano’s is on Facebooks. This is a way to keep an eye out for upcoming events and see what Artisano’s has been offering since they opened.
Other up coming events: Ovar’coming Together Run/Walk


Filed under Learn about coffee

Cause Coffees

What Is a Cause Coffee?

This is a method for you and our company to show our support for a worthy cause. As coffee drinkers we have to purchase coffee anyway, so why not let our passion for fresh roasted coffee help support these causes? Midwest Coffee Company is working with two Indiana organizations that have two very different missions. Both organizations promote education and a healthier lifestyle.  We believe we are doing the same thing with our coffee business. We provide earth friendly, people friendly and chemical free products. Many of the chemicals that are used throughout the growing and production process before you get your coffee are harmful to the body and our environment. We are proud to be providing freshly roasted, 100% chemical free coffees, grown with fertilizers and/or pesticides that are strictly of animal or vegetable origin. Our coffee has been protected in warehousing, shipping and handling processes, both abroad and in the US, from cross contamination from chemicals. We also package our coffees in biodegradable packaging and purchase many fairly traded coffees. 

clip_image002Our first cause coffee is the Teal Ribbon Collection for Ovar’coming Together. There are two coffees available to support this cause. Knowledge is Strength Blend is a regular full bodied coffee and Peace of Mind is a Swiss Water Process Decaffeinated Blend. The big kick off for the sale of this new coffee is at the 2009 Ovarian Cancer Run & Walk, Saturday, September 26, 9 a.m., at City Market in Indianapolis. You can pre-order your coffee to be delivered the day of the race at the registration tent, by placing your order on the registration form or order online: Teal Ribbon Collection. Then you can continue to show your support throughout the year as you purchase your regular coffee supply. A larger percentage of the proceeds will go to Ovar’coming Together on all coffee pre-ordered and picked up the day of the race.

Ovar’coming Together is the nonprofit ovarian cancer education and resource organization serving the communities of Indiana through partnerships with the medical community and other cancer-oriented organizations. Go to their website to learn more about this great organization.

clip_image004Our second cause coffee is Greenway Coffee. The current offering is Greenway Fall Blend. Watch for the ever changing seasons of coffee. As new freshly harvested coffees come on the market we will introduce a new Greenway Coffee Blend for that season. A percentage of the proceeds from the Greenway Coffee will go toward the expansion of the Grant County Cardinal Greenway. Grant County’s section of the Greenway is part of a much larger Rails to Trail expanding out to parts of Indiana and eventually becoming part of the American Discovery Trail.

 Cardinal Greenways is a private, not-for-profit organization. The Cardinal Greenway is the longest rail-trail in Indiana and spans almost 60 miles from Marion through Muncie to Richmond in East Central Indiana. One of the goals is to join the Marion portion of the trail to the Sweetser Switch section. Creating a completed section 14 miles long.

The Cardinal Greenway receives no public funds to help with trail maintenance. Therefore the Greenway depends on trail users and interested community members to support the many trail enhancements with gifts of time, talent, and financial resources. One more way to show your support is to purchase Greenway Coffee for yourself and your coffee loving friends. Order on-line at Midwest Coffee Company, Marion, Indiana. Greenway Fall Blend will be introduced at October Fest, October 3, downtown Marion and will be served at the upcoming Greenway auction in Gas City on October 24.

In the near future we will be introducing one more cause coffee. We will be working with two of Grant County’s own Taylor University graduates who are working with a Chicago intercity youth ministry. Watch for details.


Filed under coffee, Events

Exciting Coffee New in Indy Magazine

Indy Mag logoWell, it is exciting news for us. Indy Magazine just did a feature article on Midwest Coffee Company. It is in the Green Living section of the May/June issue. “Real Smooth Roaster” was written by Tina Jesson of Carmel. We have been told that 30,000 copies have already been distributed and that there will be a second printing. Look for the magazine all over the Indy area, welcome centers, hotels, stores, etc. It is a magazine about all thing Indiana. It is a beautifully done magazine. Very classy looking. We are proud to be a part of this issue. Alan Applebaum has done a great job.


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Questioning the French Roast Coffee Conspiracy

roasted-beans1To French Roast or Not to French Roast? This is my questions, and brings many new ones to mind.

What is French Roast coffee? Well I know the answer to this, but I will prepare a written one just in case. That is really the first question to address.

What happens to a coffee bean when you roast it? And what is different about French Roasted Coffee?

Do I really want my coffee French Roasted, or did some well know roaster spend a lot of money to convinced us all that it is good and oh so chic that way?

Is the coffee really just burnt coffee bean or darn near burnt?

I am sure these questions will bring up many more as we investigate the French Roasted Coffee conspiracy.


Filed under Learn about coffee, Thoughts of Coffee

Quilts & Coffee

Coffee Tasting at the Marion Public Library for the National Quilt Day on Saturday, April 25, 8-3 p.m. Quilt Show specials on  our fresh roasted coffees will be available for purchase  in $5 & $6 packages. During the show I will speak about who Midwest Organic Coffee Company is and what a difference fresh roasted coffee can make in your cup. More informations at: info@midwestorganiccoffee.com

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