Coffeehouse is Open

We have been gone from here for a long time. We have been working very hard on the renovation of our 1920’s Craftsman style bungalow we purchased in May of 2010. It still is not done, but we are open for business two days a week. There are still many things to be done inside and out. But I will tell you we love what we have gotten done. Our clients have been enjoying coffee and lunch these two days and are waiting for the expansion in our days opened. We are getting ready to add another day of being open.

We are currently opened Thursday and Friday, 8-8.

You can come have a fresh roasted espresso drink or sit and enjoy a cup of several different origins of fresh brew each day. We have coffeehouse made soups and savory muffins at lunch time. We serve it until it is gone. You can get a varity of sweet muffins and cookies all day. Everything is baked at the coffeehouse with fresh ingredients.   We also have wonderful Yogurt and Fruit Smoothies. NO Mixes are used at the coffeehouse. We promise you healthy treats.  Bake products are multi-grain, soups contain fresh veggies.

You can follow us on Facebook. Upcoming events, lunch offerings and pictures of the progress on our page. Midwest Coffee Group.

Visit us at:
Midwest Coffee Roasting Company
The Spencer House
1321 W. Spencer Ave.
Marion, IN

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Marion Gets a Real Coffeehouse

Well we have done it. We purchased a 1920’s Craftsman style house and we are renovating it. We will move the coffee roasterie into the house and open a family friendly coffeehouse. Homey, healthy, fun enviroment, that is our goal.

The house is very rough. The outside looks bad, the inside looked just as bad and smelled much worse. But you should see it now. Well, here is a picture of the outside.

We have been taking pictures as we go on the inside. We haven’t done a thing on the outside but remove the bushes in the front. You can see the pictures we have posted so far at our Facebook group. Follow our post to see a work in progress.

We are starting to experiment with the foods we will serve.

The one big thing we are looking forward to is starting to have coffee tastings again. We enjoy this educational part of our business the most. We love the people we meet and helping them learn new and fun things about coffee. We have started our studies of the tea world now. Boy we thought there was a lot to learn about coffee. There is just as much to learn about tea. See you at the coffeehouse.

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No Coffee in My Room

We recently went on a pleasure trip to San Antonio, TX. We started out our day by drinking way too much coffee; we knew we could not get what we would consider a good cup in an airport. We knew we would have to wait until we got to our hotel to fix a good cup. Preparation was important to accomplish this.

We carefully selected a couple of our favorite coffees, roasted them two days before we left and pre-ground them, we had no choice, you can only pack so much in your carry-ons. It can be a hard decision, take all the equipment needed to make a good cup on the road or pack the clothing you need for the trip. We checked to see if the hotel we selected had a coffee pot in the room, it did. So we packed our pre-ground coffee and filters and hoped the pot was clean and the water was at least okay.

By the time we got to our room we were ready for a cup of fresh brew, it is a long trip; we needed that cup of coffee and to relax before going to look for a local place to eat up some culture. What a surprise when we saw the coffee pot in our room. I freaked, it was a single cup that used pods only, and they slide in on a tray. No way to make a pot of my all time favorite, Kenya French Mission Bourbon. We had smelled that coffee in our carry-on all through the airports. I needed it.

I headed straight to the lobby to ask if they had real coffee pots in hiding. The clerk suggested we go to Wal-Mart and buy one. Couldn’t do that, we did this trip without a car, it is a challenge, but in San Antonio it can be done easily.

What to do now, hummmmm!

I recently read an article in Fresh Brew magazine about pour-overs, so I had the concept in my head on how they work, I got into my MacGyver mode and created one with the things I had in our room and enjoyed a cup of our coffee each morning before we started off on our site seeing for the day. Here is what I did.

*I used one of those plastic drinking cupsPourOversupplies sitting by the sink, a large Styrofoam cup with a lid (good thing we purchased a large Coke to go with dinner) the coffee filters we brought, folded into a cone shape and hot water (that was the only thing that little coffee pot was good for, hot water.)

PourOver2 I put a filter in the top cup, add coffee and slowly poured the hot water around the edge of the coffee and kept doing this until our cup was full. Ah, fresh brew!  Now before we go on our next trip, we will purchase a travel pour-over. It will not take up to much room in a carry-on and we will know that at least we can have good coffee in our room. Leaving room to freak about something else, like no water pressure in the shower.


An added note about road trips: One of the first things we do on any pleasure or business trip is look for a local coffee roaster or local coffee shop. We would never visit a chain, we stick with the locals. We didn’t find a really good one until the day before we left San Antonio. We stumble upon one in a new art district at the end of historic neighborhood we walk through. The fresh brew was good and we really enjoy meeting the Barista/manager and talking coffee with him. He was very excited about what he does. When we told him that we are roasters in Indiana, he asked if he could pull us a shot of his espresso, very nice. There is just something about the atmosphere in a local shop that you just don’t get in a chain. What do you think it is?

Where have you found the most interesting place for coffee on a road trip?

travelpourover*Disclaimer: I recreated this at home, but the results were the same. My coffee was very good. This black plastic pour over is something like  I will look for my next road trip.


Filed under coffee, Thoughts of Coffee

Cause Coffee Successful Story

teal-ribbon  Today was the big kick off for the new offering of our first Cause Coffee, Ovar’coming Together’s Teal Ribbon Collection. The Run/Walk that started at the City Market in downtown Indianapolis was the big event. We served the coffee to anyone that wanted to taste test the coffee. It was a big hit. We also came with 72 pounds of freshly roasted coffee for purchase. Only 12 pounds remain. You can still purchase that coffee by contacting Ovar. Get it while it is fresh. 40% of the proceeds goes to the organization. You can continue to show your support throughout the year by purchasing the coffees at Midwest Coffee Roasting Company.

Thank you to all the great people that came out to show their support for this organization in so many ways. The volunteers that came started setting up at 5 a.m. What a great crew. We spoke with many of the survivors and they are such an example to all. You can read more about Ovar’coming Together at their site.


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Artisano Oils & Spices & Midwest Coffee Roasting Company Bringing You Something Fresh

If you haven’t heard the news, there is a new shop in town, Artisano’s Oils & Spices.
Artisano’s Oils & Spices and Midwest Coffee Roasting Company announces the arrival of five freshly roasted coffees to the Indianapolis area. Artisano’s is located at: 1101-B East 86th St., Indianapolis, IN 46240.

Artisano’s Oils & Spices opened the doors to the new shop on August 13 and this Sunday, September 20 is introducing four single origin coffees and one custom blend. Midwest Coffee Roasting Company roast only earth friendly, people friendly, chemical free coffees. These coffees will be roasted only days before they hit the shelf bring you the serious coffee drinker, an extremely smooth, clean cup of coffee with no bitter aftertaste. Visit this new and exclusive shop that is offering something new to the area. Ask about private tastings for oils and coffees.
You may also want to check out Artisano’s is on Facebooks. This is a way to keep an eye out for upcoming events and see what Artisano’s has been offering since they opened.
Other up coming events: Ovar’coming Together Run/Walk


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Cause Coffees

What Is a Cause Coffee?

This is a method for you and our company to show our support for a worthy cause. As coffee drinkers we have to purchase coffee anyway, so why not let our passion for fresh roasted coffee help support these causes? Midwest Coffee Company is working with two Indiana organizations that have two very different missions. Both organizations promote education and a healthier lifestyle.  We believe we are doing the same thing with our coffee business. We provide earth friendly, people friendly and chemical free products. Many of the chemicals that are used throughout the growing and production process before you get your coffee are harmful to the body and our environment. We are proud to be providing freshly roasted, 100% chemical free coffees, grown with fertilizers and/or pesticides that are strictly of animal or vegetable origin. Our coffee has been protected in warehousing, shipping and handling processes, both abroad and in the US, from cross contamination from chemicals. We also package our coffees in biodegradable packaging and purchase many fairly traded coffees. 

clip_image002Our first cause coffee is the Teal Ribbon Collection for Ovar’coming Together. There are two coffees available to support this cause. Knowledge is Strength Blend is a regular full bodied coffee and Peace of Mind is a Swiss Water Process Decaffeinated Blend. The big kick off for the sale of this new coffee is at the 2009 Ovarian Cancer Run & Walk, Saturday, September 26, 9 a.m., at City Market in Indianapolis. You can pre-order your coffee to be delivered the day of the race at the registration tent, by placing your order on the registration form or order online: Teal Ribbon Collection. Then you can continue to show your support throughout the year as you purchase your regular coffee supply. A larger percentage of the proceeds will go to Ovar’coming Together on all coffee pre-ordered and picked up the day of the race.

Ovar’coming Together is the nonprofit ovarian cancer education and resource organization serving the communities of Indiana through partnerships with the medical community and other cancer-oriented organizations. Go to their website to learn more about this great organization.

clip_image004Our second cause coffee is Greenway Coffee. The current offering is Greenway Fall Blend. Watch for the ever changing seasons of coffee. As new freshly harvested coffees come on the market we will introduce a new Greenway Coffee Blend for that season. A percentage of the proceeds from the Greenway Coffee will go toward the expansion of the Grant County Cardinal Greenway. Grant County’s section of the Greenway is part of a much larger Rails to Trail expanding out to parts of Indiana and eventually becoming part of the American Discovery Trail.

 Cardinal Greenways is a private, not-for-profit organization. The Cardinal Greenway is the longest rail-trail in Indiana and spans almost 60 miles from Marion through Muncie to Richmond in East Central Indiana. One of the goals is to join the Marion portion of the trail to the Sweetser Switch section. Creating a completed section 14 miles long.

The Cardinal Greenway receives no public funds to help with trail maintenance. Therefore the Greenway depends on trail users and interested community members to support the many trail enhancements with gifts of time, talent, and financial resources. One more way to show your support is to purchase Greenway Coffee for yourself and your coffee loving friends. Order on-line at Midwest Coffee Company, Marion, Indiana. Greenway Fall Blend will be introduced at October Fest, October 3, downtown Marion and will be served at the upcoming Greenway auction in Gas City on October 24.

In the near future we will be introducing one more cause coffee. We will be working with two of Grant County’s own Taylor University graduates who are working with a Chicago intercity youth ministry. Watch for details.


Filed under coffee, Events

Passion for Coffee in Your Cooking

I met a fellow blogger (Elisha) recently that has some of the same passions I have, well I didn’t really meet her, she lives in California and live in Indiana. So I don’t think we will be going for coffee any time soon, but maybe we can drink some at the same time and have an internet girls coffee night. Any way she loves the idea of cooking with coffee and likes to experiment with combining them to create something wonderful and unique. She found my Chocolate Cookie recipe during an internet search, she loved it so much she contacted me to see if she could post it on her blog. I told her, well of course, just give me credit for this wonderful creation and all the profits for the mega company she could start in California just from this cookie alone. Kidding about the mega company part. Elisha shared several cookies that night with friends under the stars in LA, read what she has to say at her Hands Down article. Don’t stop there, read the whole blog, it is good.

We agree that the cookies need to have a rich, full body coffee in them and we both used a Kenyan coffee.

On with what I wanted to share with you. Elisha has started a really cool blog. It is call The Caffeinated Culinarian. She has started collect recipes that use coffee and tea, that is where the caffeine comes into play. She has an Earl Grey Shortbread Cookies I would love to try, even though it doesn’t include chocolate.

Last weeks coffee cooking experiment.  We had friends over to try one of our new coffee experiments, a marinate made with coffee. We put chicken breast, pork tenderloin and beef in the marinate for 24 hours and then grilled it. Everyone thought the chicken and pork was great, the beef was just ok. We are still working on the recipe. We will post it when we are happy with what we have created.

Today’s coffee cooking experiment.  I took a chocolate chip muffin mix, I don’t usually use box mixes but I was in a hurry, I replaced the water for a cup of strong brewed Mocha Java, added a few white chocolate chips for looks, 2 tablespoons of flaxseed meal to pretend the muffins are healthy, put it in paper lined muffin tins and sprinkled a few almond slices on top before baking. Baked them per the box instructions. When they where done I sprinkled them with a little powdered sugar. I will serve them to some late night guess that are coming in from Chicago. If they think I work hard on the muffins, I will let them. Did you notice, chocolate and coffee, it is not dessert to me if it doesn’t have chocolate.

If you have a coffee cooking experiment you would like to share, I am sure other would like to read it. Send it to me.

Do you want to learn more about coffee? You might like to read, The French Roast Coffee Conspiracy, Parts 1-3.


Filed under coffee, Learn about coffee, Recipe

French Press It!

Some writers would address this article to coffee fanatics and connoisseurs, but I am telling everyone, if you haven’t tried it, you have a new coffee experience waiting for you.

The French Press

There are two reasons I can come up with to use a French Press:

  1. TASTE, what the French Press does to the coffee is unique to pressed coffees.
  2. The press makes just enough coffee to fill my travel mug and I don’t have to worry that I forget to turn off the pot before I left.

Any coffee will work in a press; the grind and water are the most important FP Eileenelements. You will need to use a course grind (about like cornmeal) and of course good filtered water.

Well I guess you need to have a French Press. You can get a press at Wal-Mart, Target or Meijer. Name brand, off brand, I don’t believe it really matters that much. I do really love the looks of the Eileen by Bodum and it would make me feelvery elegant to share a pot made in the Eileen, but I am not willing to pay the price. I will stick with my boring $20 press.

The whole process is this simple:

  1. Grind two tablespoons of your favorite coffee (course grind)
  2. Heat your filtered water to about 200°
  3. Pour the hot water over the coffee in your press
  4. Stir, smell, Ummmm! Put the lid/plunger on
  5. Let stand 3-5 minutes (length determined by what you like.)
  6. Give it a swirl and then plunge it
  7. Drink it black or pour it over cream & sugar. (I am a cream & sugar person, which just about kills some coffee fanatics.) Oh well!

Short and simple. I could have given these instructions all wordy, but it will still come out the same. One more hint to make it better, pour it slow, drink it slow, relax, think good thoughts and Take Time to Taste the Coffee. Share a pot with your best friend or any friend; they will think they are your best friend after sharing this special coffee moment.

What is the best coffee to use in the French Press? Any coffee that you already love will do well in a press, but I have several that I am fond of right now: French Mission Bourbon, Colombia Serra Nevada, Nicaragua and Sumatra Half-Caf. Ask me in a few months and see if I still am hooked on those. Some press users prefer a dark roast and some prefer a medium roast, which is really just a taste preference. What I have found as a coffee roaster to be of the most importance is; high quality, fresh roasted coffees make the best cup no matter how you brew it. I look for a medium roast, full body with deep earthy, chocolate or nutty undertones, with just a hint of sweet fruitiness. A little of an Ethiopian coffee added will give you that fruit.

So if you have not already ran out and bought yourself a French Press, Press Pot, Coffee Press or Plunger go get one for your home and one for your office.

Create some fun tastes by adding other elements in the press like spices, cocoa and dried fruits. Make an extra cup and chill for an Iced Coffee later.

Why do you like to use a French Press?

Other articles you may want to read: Iced Coffee, the Better Way


Filed under coffee, Learn about coffee

Get Your Buzz On!


Do you believe caffeine will make you more productive or less productive?

Read: Flavored Coffee, How Fresh is Your Coffee, Coffee In the Garden, Becoming a Coffee Purist and Saturday Afternoon Coffee.


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Iced Coffee, the Better Way

Iced coffee is the summer alternative to hot coffee for some of us. To some it is a new idea. Drink it black or with milk, drink it with or without sugar, but drink it over ice.

Iced Coffee Blue This refreshing coffee treat can come in many varieties, flavor and price. You can get an iced coffee just about anywhere now and they are all made differently and the prices, WOW can that hurt!

Some places use powdered something and coffee that comes in a jug, some use a coffee syrup while others are really using fresh milk, fresh brewed coffee, sugar and flavoring. But I am suggesting a better way. Make your own and keep it ready in the refrigerator. It is ready in seconds to pour and go. Not only will you save a fortune but you know what is really in your cup. You decide if you only want good stuff or some unknown stuff. Here is our recipe that we offer at Tastings and fund-raisers (well not exactly, there is a secret ingredient).

MJ Iced Coffee

Make 1 gallon
3/4 Gal. Midwest Coffee Company Mocha Java Blend
Whole Milk
1-1½ Cups Sugar (your desired sweetness)
1 Tablespoon Pure Vanilla Extract

Dissolve sugar into coffee when hot, add vanilla, and pour into a gallon jug, fill the remainder with milk. Chill and serve over ice.
This will stay fresh as long as your milk is good.

I promise this will be the best Iced Coffee you have ever had. I think it is because it is just a pure clean, chemical free glass of Iced Coffee. And then there is the fact that our Mocha Java is in it, it really does make a difference. With a bonus of the dollars you save not buying out.

Here are some variations you can use to create your own personal Iced Coffee.  If you come up with some other great creation, let me know.

Whole, 2%, skimmed milk
White Sugar, Splenda, Honey or Real Maple Syrup
Vanilla, Almond, Maple or Fruit Extracts
Try a different origin of coffee, such as: Colombia Sierra Nevada or Sumatra SWP Decaf

Using your French Press will allow experimenting even more.
Try adding spices, cocoa and/or orange zest.

My experiment today in the French Press was:
1 tablespoon of each MCC Organic SWP Decaf Sumatra and Mexico
1 teaspoon Organic Cocoa Powder
Pinch of Cinnamon


Fill a tall glass ½ full, stir in organic sugar, add ice, and fill the remainder of the glass with milk.

Oh! That was good. The only caffeine was from the cocoa powder.


Filed under coffee, Learn about coffee, Recipe